Thursday, October 02, 2008


I’ve blogged every day (missing only six) for six months. Took a little break yesterday just to see what it’d feel like. I will no longer be blogging every single day – weekends are tough because they’re heavy workdays for me. So don’t always look for new entries on weekends (and maybe not on Thursdays). I’m dialing back to 3-5 times a week.

Right now I’m watching Sarah Palin and Joe Biden do a pretty good job of debating one another. So far the Senator has acquitted himself well. Not running over, not being patronizing. He calls her Governor each time he refers to her and he keeps within his time limit. He focuses his criticism on McCain and calls him John. She’s called her ticket “A team of Mavericks” twice, and she’s using her folksy voice (dropping lots of g’s at the ends of words, saying “doggone it,” “I betcha,” and “gosh darn it”). She does much better when she’s on script, when she strays her voice weakens and she begins to lose track of even the generalities she’s trying to deliver. With the very low expectations, she’s doing well. Biden is doing a good job not being a blowhard going on and on. Pretty much all that can happen in a VP debate is harm, you’re not going to convert voters with a number two. So far it doesn’t seem they’re losing votes for their guys.

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