Thursday, June 24, 2010

Kittens III

Three of the kittens have found homes. Phew. Two got to stay together. I'm relieved. The one remaining is number one (the first kitten snagged). He's black, well he's black with black stripes. I'm still working on getting a good photo that will show his loveliness. I am considering keeping him. He had ringworm, the reason the spca rejected them. "If you leave them here we might have to consider what this contagious disease will do to our other animals." -- meaning if I left them there they'd be euthanized. I finally got them to actually say what they meant. It was almost impossible for the woman on the phone to speak the truth without metaphor or evasion. So I went to pick them up and thus began the nightmare of finding them homes. So now he is the only remaining kitten. I think he's cured of the ringworm, he'll go back to the vet next week for clean slate pronouncement. He's much happier now that he's moved from the oven-hot guest room to the nice cool basement.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

kittens II

Well here are two of the four kittens at play. Yesterday the mama cat found her way to my second floor window and was having a conversation with black kitten (not pictured here). It was a tense moment when I walked in -- I love my new(ish) windows but the screens are pretty flimsy. Now she knows I'm a kitten criminal, having discovered one of her own held captive indoors.

Still looking for homes for these guys if there are any takers -- I'm a bit desperate to de-kitten my house. Although they are cute, I don't want any more cats. Every day they remain in the house I get more attached. Uh oh.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Yes. Kittens. I rescued (although I'm sure mama cat would have a different name for it, perhaps "kitten napping") four kittens from a feral mother living in my back yard. Now why didn't I see this coming when I started feeding the ferals? I've got these four kittens in my house -- one isolated to treat his ringworm. I officially hate the MD SPCA who said they'd take 'em, but called me four hours after drop-off to say come get them or they'll all be euthanized. I've spent hundreds of $$, devoted two closed off rooms in my house, disrupted my entire routine, called many shelters (all full). I'm about to lose my tiny mind. If you want a kitten please help. They need good homes.