Monday, May 26, 2008

home again

Arrived home last night, this morning, at just about 2 AM. Couldn’t make a blog entry, just to damned exhausted. The drive home was treacherous. I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open. My other driver couldn’t drive at all – too tired. I stopped to catnap a couple of times. It delayed us, but probably helped us arrive home safe and in one piece. As I parked I announced that the chances of being in a fatal accident were now slim. It really felt like that. And now I’m just reassembling the pieces of my brain into a coherent pattern. All his stuff is still in the trunk and in an unsecured roof bag on top of the car. That is, it’s secured to the car, but opens with a zipper. He’s sleeping it off in his room, probably won’t emerge until late afternoon. And when he does it’ll be as a new man – an alum of one of the best schools in the country. But still struggling with making his way in life. Who wouldn’t be.

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