Sunday, May 04, 2008


Well, I missed yesterday because I was in Arlington with a bunch of other family members and the computer problems were like a comedy of errors. This old computer ran out of juice because I forgot power. By the time I realized that I couldn’t get on the computer in the room I was sleeping in because it’d been shut down because it’s too noisy (and then this morning it didn’t even come back on anyway – its own power problems). I was working all the live long day yesterday. A student missed class, and never emailed or called. I checked my email at lunch and said to my partner “I have an email from Caroline Kennedy. But no email from [this missing student] – she didn’t even bother to tell us she wasn’t showing up. This is going to be a big problem for her. My 6 year old niece has lost three teeth, but can’t remember where they were lost. The 4 year old is whiney as ever. The 2 year old is just a joy with his little tiny hands – what could be better than feeling a small hand tugging you to come with him? Not much. Certainly not trying to figure out what happened to that blasted student. Anyway. I’ll make up for missing yesterday…promise.

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