Thursday, September 25, 2008

job complaints

I’m beginning to hate my job again. All those of you out there reading this who are intimately acquainted with my job are sworn to secrecy about any mention I make here. But things are going from bad to particularly annoying. All kinds of demands coming down from on high and I get no feeling that the folks who are supposed to be the representatives of us peons in the chambers of power are doing so. Each person whose job it is to be a peon advocate caves easily to the pressure, and often in a way I think particularly betrayal-like.

My favorite example: The factory bosses want to produce more. So they want the workers currently employed to increase their hours to show that more can actually be produced and higher needs met. When the factory bosses see that output can actually be increased, they’ll let us hire more workers. I think that’s the stupidest approach in the book, especially for the workers. My take is that if the bosses cannot fill all their orders with the current number of workers working their current number of hours, they should hire more workers. If the factory bosses don’t hire more workers, they don’t get to fill all their orders. If they hire more workers they can fill the orders and no one has to work overtime. Just the fact that I’m using a factory metaphor should tell any readers here how nutso this all is. It’s demoralizing.

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