Wednesday, September 10, 2008

where a cat walks

When my mother had her hip replacement part of the preparation material suggested that she train her animal not to walk in front of her. She has a cat. But even if she had a dog… It’s not just the idea that a cat can be trained to do (or not do) such a thing, but that you might be able to train an animal to do something within that tiny time period between receiving your list of instructions and having the surgery. No freaking way. And anyway. A cat cannot be trained not to walk in front of you. Walking in front of you is what a cat does. That’s a cat’s job. A cat’s profession is to walk slowly underfoot so that you must weave and dance to your destination. Go to the bathroom in the middle of the night? Returning to bed is a circuitous route around waving tail as the butt slowly sways from side to side. The animal might be seated in the doorway as you head into the kitchen but as you pass by it arises majestically and takes its spot between your feet. A cat wants to arrive with you and before you. Therein lies the rub.

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