Wednesday, January 21, 2009

inauguration II

Random thoughts on yesterday's big event:
I loved that Justice Roberts made the last part of the oath a question: “So help you god?” Barack answering firmly “So help me god!”

I have never been in a crowd that immense. There were times, not moments, but chunks of time, when we were literally jammed together, no movement possible. Poor six-month-pregnant Rachel at one point thought she’d faint. “Pregnant lady coming through” helped a lot at that moment.

We barely made it to the mall, climbing over a fence and skipping any legal, security-staffed entry, before the official ceremony began. We couldn’t hear well, but well enough. Eventually we got to a place where we could see the side of a jumbotron, but all I needed to do was be there and hear it. I’ve already watched it several times on TV since returning home. I weep every time.

I loved the speech. I loved the direct and nuanced attacks on the prior administration (maybe I can not mention that jackass’s name). “We will restore science to it’s rightful place…” oh yes. Yes. Yes!

The coda to the day occurred on my drive home from the train station. I was behind a car that had driven here from far away (I can’t remember the state). The license plate read “obama12.”

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