Wednesday, June 25, 2008

eye doctor

Today I saw the eye doctor who replies to “I can’t see the street signs” with “get closer.” He continues to maintain that I do not need distance glasses. I don’t. I can see. Although things are fuzzy, I can see. He showed me “with” and “without” glasses, and there is a marked difference. However, he feel certain it’s not enough to make me want to wear glasses all the time. And I’m afraid I agree with him. I don’t want to wear glasses all the time. I don’t want trifocals. It’s enough that I will be wearing bifocals and have to carry them around with me all the blasted time. I think this is the reason I actually want the distance glasses – so that I will have to wear them all the time. So I can have distance glasses and be done with it. I will carry around with me all my lenses on my face and not have to take the things off, leave them somewhere, and I can see the world without fuzz. But no, he says I won’t want them. And I am still bowing to his expertise. I will continue to get closer.

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