Friday, June 06, 2008


I completely forgot to blog yesterday. I remembered at one moment early in the day. But I was in class and couldn’t get to my blogging equipment. By the time the day ended I’d totally spaced it out. I will try to blog twice today to make up for it. Blog is another word spellcheck needs to learn. In fact spellcheck is a word spellcheck needs to learn. It’s interesting to have this technical evidence of how the language evolves. Sometimes I feel like we should all just adopt the spellings that spellcheck offers us for difficult words. We’d wind up with words that are completely different from what we’d intended. Some words that were close, but just spelled slightly differently. It’s particularly interesting to see what it does to names. Sometimes it seems that if you capitalize something it’ll leave it alone. But other times, as with Obama, it insists. In this paragraph alone, I’ve got nine words underlined with red squigglies. Now ten, because squigglies is not a word (eleven).

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