Monday, August 04, 2008

some shots

My arm is sore from the tetanus shot I got for the two gouges from going over the fence, but it’s better that I got the shot now since I plan to do more shooting in such environments. My excitement about photography is completely reignited by this shooting expedition. Here we were seeing mill life at a sudden cessation. Papers left on desks now blown all around the room, work shoes lying in piles of paint chips and rusted dust. Water is the enemy of order always. As the windows break and the weather comes in the mill everything begins to break down. Some papers in one of the offices were dated 2002 so it’s been only six years. But the disintegration of the environment is rapid. The stillness of the abandonment, even with the occasional small animal creating a noise, is palpable. I’m hoping to become a much better photographer as I keep on doing this. Here are a few photos from my very first expedition.

Greased gears

Window Seat

Portrait of the artist as a long exposure photographer.

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