Friday, July 25, 2008

BN, page two

The next entry in the blue notebook is a chat I had with a friend who was working on her own book. She gave lots of advice on approach strategies. For interview requests: always write first and give your phone number – people don’t like to be surprised by phone calls. Transcriptions of interviews are best – listening and taking notes is second. Try not to take notes while the interview is being done, eye contact is more important. Then listen to the tape immediately and make notes.

Use a magnifying glass to get clues from photographs, there’s a lot of tiny detail not obvious to the naked eye. Think about other people who might have been impacted by her life, like other archaeologists. Start with small goals. Research all organizations and people she knew or mentioned. Set aside specific chunks of time and keep to that always.

However, I’ve done almost none of this. I’ve used the magnifying glass on the photograph, but much of the rest of it I’ve done differently and with somewhat less vigor than my friend. The many notes of many interviews performed follow in the three blue notebooks. To be remembered here.

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