Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Thunder is rumbling through the area. I wish some rain would come along with it. Thunder and lightening woke me up last night, but I’m pretty sure there was no precip to water my thirsty flowers. They’ve promised rain today – 90% chance – but so far just darkening skies and big noise. Some sort of cosmic warning system: the skies are about to split open. Take cover or just put on a swimsuit. My satellite dish loses its signal at the slightest storminess. The installer said “oh they barely have that problem any more” when I wondered about weather related outage. But, of course, he was pretty far wrong. It goes out when it’s just raining, let alone a major storm. I’m grateful for two winters of almost no snow. But that’s bound to change (and I shouldn’t be grateful for global warming so I can have a television signal) and I’ll be up the creek with no TV. And I am pretty attached to television, I have entirely too many shows in my regular weekly schedule.

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