Wednesday, July 02, 2008

eye doctor: part dos

A follow up on June 25, eye doctor. I’ve decided to go ahead and get glasses for distance. They will not be strong, but they will make things clear. No longer will I be unable to see street signs until I am to close to change lanes. I’d asked the eye doctor if I could get them just for driving at night, movies, and such and he felt convinced that I’d never wear them. “You’ll put ‘em in a drawer and it’ll just be a waste of money.” I’m middle aged enough to know that when someone says “in my experience” they probably know what they’re talking about. When I say it I know what I’m talking about. So when he thought I’d never wear them I decided he was probably right. Then I talked to a friend who agreed. “You’ll probably never wear them. I mean, I have glasses that I just wear when I’m driving at night or in the movies.” Then we just looked at each other. She has glasses just for those times and she wears them. I know I’d love to see the street signs especially at night. I think I might wear them too. Movies could be clearer. I know see names of streets instead of estimating word length. It sounds like it might work out. So I called and had them send me a prescription. I will get those glasses. And I will wear those glasses. Yes sireebob.

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