Monday, July 28, 2008


Last night was the finale of The Next Food Network Star. (Another television admission. I do enjoy the reality competitions where people must actually have skill: Project Runway, Shear Genius, Design Star, Top Chef, et cetera.) I’m sure Aaron McCargo Jr.’s new show will be delightful. I’ve recently found myself addicted to the Food Network and I’m loving learning something about cooking with every show I watch. But I have to say I absolutely incredulous that an entire network devoted to shows about cooking doesn’t have one show about vegetarian cooking. Not one single show.

Every chef’s show on the network presents two or three dishes in each episode and they always have a vegetable. But almost never do they have a vegetarian entrĂ©e. I’m pretty sure the number of vegetarians in the country is increasingly rapidly. And even meat eaters are advised to not eat dead animal daily. How is it that a network that focuses on preparing food doesn’t address this growing segment of the population? Do vegetarians not watch television? How can they have missed this segment of their audience?

A letter must be written.

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