Thursday, May 29, 2008


Secrets. A and B and C and D. They all know each other. A is a part of C’s secrets. C is part of A’s secrets. A and C know each other’s secrets. A and C play the eternal game: push and pull, hand over hand, lie and hide. D, odd letter out, knows only C’s secrets – and those only by accident of issue. But B. But B knows A’s secrets and C’s secrets. A might know that B knows all secrets, but A is not paying attention. A is obsessively focused only on A. C knows only that B knows one secret, but not all other secrets. C knows not that B knows everything about A that C knows about A. B is the silent, secret fulcrum or all the secrets. An odd position for B and B tries hard not to let any other letters know that B knows all. But it is very strange. Very strange indeed. B is secretly afraid that more will be revealed. The closeted alphabet, may it stay forever hidden.

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