Tuesday, April 22, 2008


One thing I really need to do is clear out my email box. It has 4,703 messages in it, and that is just the in box. It doesn’t count all the messages I’ve moved to other specially created mailboxes. I’ve got boxes for different things going on at work, boxes for my death penalty avocation work, boxes for particular people, boxes for projects I’m working on, boxes for organizations I’m a member of, boxes for particular interests, boxes for personal items, boxes for things that amuse me, too many boxes. But is it really too many boxes? It’s fairly well organized. But what happens is (the same thing happens any time I’m trying to organize something) that I start a box called Box 1, thinking “this is what I need.” Then I make a new box, Box 1-a, thinking it’s a class of Box 1. Then I make Box 1-b, then a Box 2, then a Box 3. And then everything winds up in Box 3 because all the other boxes were false classes of what I thought I was collecting. So I’ve got the box I’m using (3) and all those other boxes (1, 1-a, 1-b, 2) just sit around collecting dust because I never tidy up the boxes. It’s all very confusing to describe without using actual box names – but I can’t bring myself to actually do that since it would show the world, in no uncertain terms, my organizational goofyness. I choose to simply write about it nonsensically.

Anyway, I need to clean out my email boxes. But the job, I fear, will take a few days of concentrated effort and I’ve not got the stomach for it. After that I need to clear off my computer desk top because my Firefox decided to start downloading everything to the desktop without telling me and it got out of hand very quickly before I got around to changing the preference setting. Oh the things we need to look after on our computers. More on this tomorrow.

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