Tuesday, April 08, 2008


There’s a big bru-ha-ha brewing where I work. Management is planning to raise fees for parking and one enormous segment of the community is hugely, and justifiably, furious about it. A couple of them made a YouTube video and our CEO was reportedly pretty angry about it. Apparently he didn’t see it coming. My question is how could he not see it coming? This is 2008 and this segment of our community uses the Internet and YouTube the way other people use the telephone. It’s a daily and regular part of their lives. The video is fabulous. It tells the problem, says what they want as redress, has moments of humor, even (appropriately for their secondary audience) bleeps out the one curse word they use. It's well made and fun to watch. Our CEO simply isn’t used to having this population around and expected them to lie down and accept the new policies as the rest of us are expected to. Hooray for them!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nobody should take things lying down, that's my motto.