Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Seeing Satrapi

Saw Marjane Satrapi, author of Persepolis, tonight at Notre Dame College (College of Notre Dame of Maryland). She was insightful and thoughtful and clear. “The intellectual work of art – written, visual, any sort of art – is anti-fascistic.” I went with a Persian friend (a former student) and her cousin and we ran into another former student, also Persian. (I love so many of my students and I’m so happy to see them after graduate and fly the coop.) Marjane's honesty with the crowd and her integrity as an artist sparkled in a room full of people living under a government filled with denial and existing on lies.

1 comment:

Gil said...

I feel like I could have used something like that, although I have not read that book or seen that movie or whatever it is. I hate lies. It's like when Captain Kirk was all, like, "I only tell the truth . . . I am lying." Nothing computes anymore.